Resonance Healing
Resonance Healing is a form of soul healing where certain resonances of stuck thought forms and emotions are identified and released through sound activation and shamanic healing work done on the energetic level to repair damaged DNA. These resonances are energy fields undulating with the core frequencies of fear, hatred, unresolved grief, separation and judgment/blame/shame in all their variations. During this healing session, identified personal and collective resonances will be transformed and released on a cellular level. You will also identify what you wish to create in your life to replace these damaging resonances — high vibration frequencies that will be held and nurtured to take root within your energy fields.
This healing is accomplished in a small group setting (8-10 people) through the use of sound activation using indigenous percussion, wind, and string instruments along with singing bowls, gongs and bells. Voice is also used to transmit and focus certain energies to shift the stuck energy pattern. These resonances are tied to our personal traumas and belief systems, to lineage cords that have been passed down through the generations, and collective patterns that keep the "pain body" alive. Your task will be to open yourself for the shift to occur, being receptive and willing to replace one resonance for another. During the sound activation you are welcome to lie down or remain seated.
We can heal ourselves, our families and our world through a conscious exploration of these limiting resonances in order to shift and release them, allowing a new frequency to come forth that will hold a higher resonance. The time for healing is now and this is one way to effect the changes we are longing to see for ourselves and others.
Plan on arriving no later than 15 minutes early to set up your seat. Once the healing begins, no further admittance is allowed. Once you have registered, pay attention to what comes into your life – though dreams, overheard conversations or animals crossing your path – it’s all part of the healing. Also, be mindful of any energies that may try to interfere with you coming to the Resonance Healing in order to keep you stuck. This is not common but has been known to occur. Your inner authority and desire to heal is all that’s needed to overcome any inertia or interference.
Please visit our EVENTS page for dates, times and to register. If the Circle you are interested in is not available, please sign up for our newsletter to be informed of its availability and directions to register. The form is at the bottom of each page.