In 2025, we begin our 2nd year of a 7 year odyssey of re-membering unconditional love within ourselves and expressing love in action outwardly into all our interactions in the world. Specifically, we will be Awakening the Inner Fire of Unconditional Love with the Allies of Electric Eel and Carnelian. In the coming years, we will be assisted by other allies with unique energetics for each year.
This awakening has been long awaited by the Medicine Ancestors. It’s time to return to our original DNA of living free and clear of fear, objectification, enslavement and exploitation. We think we are free but still worry every day and our anxiety about the future has increased. This is not the freedom our Soul is yearning and dreaming for in our inner and outer realities.
With the feral help of Electric Eel we may be shocked (hopefully just a little!) out of our complacency and into a flowering of self-acceptance, self-trust and self-love. Eel is here to help us transform our limiting beliefs into realizations of how to live authentically with all of Life. Whether we experience big shocks or little, they are designed to awaken our inner power, our inner capacities and inner knowings to live in joy and gratitude, equality and reverence, trust and joyful expression of our gifts.
Carnelian is a vibrant stone, inspiring and stimulating creativity and passion. With its enhancement of Life Force, Carnelian brings our soul energies into harmony with our physical capacity to be in the Flow of Life and to Flower into our gifts and talents.
We are re-organizing our inner and outer worlds with these energies as we celebrate the deep truths of life with the gift of unconditional love for ourselves and all of life. There is a beauty to Life that sustains us through the challenges and it is the beauty that we are an equal participant in the Web of Life, no greater and no lesser than any other part of Creation. Open to the Beauty, Awaken your Inner Fire, Flow freely in Love